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Education: Bachelor of Architecture, University of Kentucky
Years of Experience: 9
American Institute of Architects
U.S. Green Building Council
Eastern Stars
Rachel is an Architect with a range of experience in different building types. She has experienced all project phases and excels at assembling an accurate set of construction documents. Rachel’s responsibilities include building design, code research, programming, master planning, and coordination with consultants. She has successfully managed multiple projects concurrently, organized public meetings, met strict deadlines, selected interior finishes, developed design guidelines for a public corporation and worked on a fast-pace design-build project.
Rachel is proficient in AutoCAD, Revit, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. In addition to developing marketing and promotional materials, she has worked to provide project studies and presentation boards for multiple clients.
∙ Horse Cave Fire Station, Horse Cave, Kentucky
∙ Hiseville Fire Station, Hiseville, Kentucky
∙ North Oldham County High School Renovation, Oldham County, Kentucky *
∙ Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana *
∙ French Market Revitalization Plan, New Orleans, Louisiana *
∙ Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky *
∙ Creation Gardens, Louisville, Kentucky *
∙ Southside Elementary, Shelbyville, Kentucky *
∙ Chase Bank, Louisville, Kentucky *
∙ Highland Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Kentucky *
∙ Euler Hermes, Louisville, Kentucky *
∙ Roberts’ Residence, Shelbyville, Kentucky *
∙ Mutchler’s Residence, Prospect, Kentucky *
∙ Make It Right Foundation, New Orleans, Louisiana *
∙ MVSU Residence Halls, Itta Bena, Mississippi *
* Indicates work performed while with another firm